Thursday, July 7, 2011

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Hairstyles for thick hair|short hair cuts for thick hair|short hair styles for thik hair|thik hair|thik hair styles|thik haircuts|thik Hairstyles for womens|thik Hairstyles pictures

black hair styles 2011|black hairstyles haircuts|short black hair cuts|short black hairstyles

black hair styles 2011|black hairstyles haircuts|short black hair cuts|short black hairstyles

Medium blonde hair cuts|Medium Bob Hairstyles|Medium hair cuts|Medium Hair styles|Medium hair styles 2011|Medium haircuts hairstyles|Medium lenth hair cuts

Medium blonde hair cuts|Medium Bob Hairstyles|Medium hair cuts|Medium Hair styles|Medium hair styles 2011|Medium haircuts hairstyles|Medium lenth hair cuts

2011 Bangs Hairstyles|2011 short hairstyles|Bangs Hair styles|Bangs Hairstyles|Bangs Hairstyles 2011|Short Hair Styles 2011

2011 Bangs Hairstyles|2011 short hairstyles|Bangs Hair styles|Bangs Hairstyles|Bangs Hairstyles 2011|Short Hair Styles 2011

Women's Hairstyles

Women's Hairstyles

The best womens hairstyles for thinning hair are those in which the length of the hair is either short or medium. The main reason why you should not opt for long hairstyles is that long hair often puts extra weight on the roots of the hair which may weaken the roots and lead to more hair loss.

Bob: This is one haircut that can give you a timeless classic look. The chin-length bob with blunt bangs has an appeal of its own. For this reason it is the most popular womens hairstyles for thinning hair. The biggest advantage of bob cut is that it is suitable for all facial shapes and for any hair color. It gives a solid shape to the hair and the shape can be maintained for a long time without the use of any hairstyling product. When you use less hairstyling products the chances of damage to the hair gets lessened to a great extent.

Short hairstyles: When you have thinning hair most of the hairstylists would advise you to cut it short. This is because short hairstyles help to put the focus on various facial features like the neck and the chin and not on your thinning hair. It also makes the thin hair look slightly thicker. This can be achieved by keeping the length of the top layers of the hair longer as compared to the lower layers. This way you can add depth and texture to the hair. This haircut requires a lot of precision and hence it should be done by an expert hairstylist only. You can also refer to cute hairstyles for thin hair.

Layered Haircut: If you are of the opinion that short hairstyles cannot give you the feminine look that medium haircuts can give then you can opt for a layered cut. The versatility of the layered cut is truly unmatched. In layered cut the strands of the hair are of varying lengths. As a result thin hair looks voluminous. The overall length of the hair should not go beyond the shoulder length. If you keep the length longer then the volume created by the layers will not be visible. Keep maximum number of layers on the back and just a few should be kept in the front. Layered cut look more beautiful if you have curly hair. You can also refer to shoulder length hairstyles for thin hair.

Bangs: Hairstyles with a side swept bang is another excellent way of adding volume to your thinning hair. It is helpful in covering up the thinning spots of the temple area. If your hair is comparatively thinner at one side of the head then side swept bangs will help you to cover that up very well. Straight bangs falling on the forehead can also serve the purpose of covering up thinning spots of the head. However if you have thinning spot at the crown of your head then straight bangs will not be the right option for you. You can also refer to haircut styles and ideas.

Pick The Best Shade Of Lipstick

Pick The Best Shade Of Lipstick
Lipstick can be a great way to make you look more attractive and sexy to the opposite sex. It is however, very important to pick the right color. If you use the wrong color it can make your skin look off-color and really draws attention to your face instead of complimenting it. This article will help you pick the lipstick color that’s right for you!

 It is very important to use a color that is going to compliment your skin tone. If your skin color appears darker then you will see that plums, wine colors and very deep reds will suit your skin very well because your skin tone won’t be overpowered by these bright colors.
 If you have a lighter or paler skin tone then you will see that the best shades for you are going to be light colors like light browns or beiges with a pink or orange undertone to them. It is imperative to stay with these colors otherwise you could be using colors that are drastically too strong for your face or skin tone.
 The best shades to use for people with olive skin tones are reds that are mildly brownish, very light browns and possibly raisin colors or other darker reds.
 It is very important that you wear a different color in the daytime and the evening. In the daytime go for more light and natural colors. You’ll see that using a lipstick with a cream colored matte shade will be more subtle to your skin tone. At night you can go for those brighter shades to really pull off that sexy look. .

Experiment with lots of colors to get the color that is right for you. There are a lot of ways you can do this, but the best way is to visit the makeup counter of a big store. You can talk to someone with more makeup experience there and get some insiders tips on the color they think will work best for your skin. Before picking a shade, go outside with a mirror and see if you like the shade in natural light. Some colors look different under florescent lights than they do in the sunlight.
 Don’t forget to purchase a liner to go with your new shade. The liner should be in the same colors as your lipstick only a shade or two darker in order to outline the lips.

How to Create Perfect Eyebrows

How to Create Perfect Eyebrows

Everyone has different shaped eyebrows, but you can improve the natural shape by teasing out stray hairs and tidying up the general outline. You may have thick or thin brows, but the important thing is not to over pluck eyebrows or try and force them into an unnatural shape as this can end up looking very false, and if you have damaged the follicles through over plucking then your eyebrows they may never grow back to their natural shape again.

EquipmentAll you will need to shape your eyebrows is a good pair of tweezers, an eyebrow brush and an eyebrow pencil. If you have very fair eyebrows but dark hair (or very dark eyebrows and light hair), you may want to dye your eyebrows just a few shades so that they match your overall hair colour and are also a bit more (or a bit less) prominent, and you can buy kits to do this at home or visit a salon to make sure you get the most natural look.
The easiest way to work out what shape your eyebrows will look best in is to look at the overall shape of your face and the natural shape of your eyebrows, and follow the golden rule that professional beauticians use which is:

Length – eyebrows should start just above the tear duct on your eye and reach out to at least the outside corner of your eye.
Arch – the perfect eyebrow will have a gentle arch on the underside (never pluck hairs from the top side of your eyebrows as this looks unnatural), which should begin at the start of your iris (as you are looking straight ahead), and gently taper upwards moving out to then end of the brow.
If you are shaping your eyebrows for the first time just do a few hairs at a time, and it can be a good idea to draw a faint guideline on with an eyebrow pencil so that you don’t over pluck them before you realise. If you are very nervous about shaping your eyebrows then get a beautician to do them for you first, and then all you will have to do is tease out the hairs as they are growing back in, rather than having to shape the whole eyebrow from scratch.
Waxing and Threading
If you have very thick eyebrows it can take a long time to tweezer out each hair, so you may prefer to get them waxed or threaded, and then just tidy the shape up a little with a tweezers afterwards. Be careful with waxing though as it can be difficult to get an accurate shape, so just take out most of the hairs this way, and then use tweezers to shape the eyebrow properly afterwards.

How To Apply Lipstick,16 Lipstick Tricks & Tips

How To Apply Lipstick
16 Lipstick Tricks & Tips
  • Don’t play up the eys and the mouth Women who wear heavy eye makeup and dark lipstick can look clownish. If you want to wear red lipstick, keep the rest  of your makeup light. If you are playing up the eyes, keep your mouth light with a gloss or light lip color that doesn’t stand out. 

  • For “plump” lips, apply liner just outside your natural lipline. Dab a bit of gloss in the middle of your bottom lip. 

  • How to apply lipstick? I don’t believe in rules to applying lipstick. Some women use special lipstick brushes (pictured here). I own one and never, ever use it. Others use their middle finger (I once said this was a beauty faux pas and got reamed by a reader, I have since changed my mind). Most women apply right from the tube. Choose what’s right for you, as long as the color gets on the lips, you’re good.


  • Use liner on your lips as a base. Lipstick will last longer if you fill in your lips with the liner first. If you’re using light lipstick, try a nude liner. Then slick your lipstick on top.lip glows is infamous for wearing off fast, but if you fill in lips first with the liner, the gloss has something to stick to.

  • You can line before or after you apply lipstick or gloss. Some women prefer to apply liner first, arguing that you won’t be able to see the natural line of your lips if you apply lipstick first. But I find lips look more natural when I line lips after I apply lipstick. 

  • Never use a dark liner with light lipstick. Defined lips are great, but make sure the liner matches the lipstick or gloss. Dark liner and light lips is tacky. 

  • Never use a test lipstick on your lips. It’s just plain unhygienic. Instead, test lipstick on your fingertips.      It’s a closer fit to your lips than the back of your hand. 

  • Don’t throw out a bad color lipstick. Beauty editors know you can create a great lipcolor by blending lipsticks you don’t like. You can also color in lips with a darker liner before applying a lipstick that’s too bright. 

  • Keep lipstick off glass. Discreetly lick your lips before taking a sip from a glass. It works! 

  • Keep lipstick off your teeth with this trick. After applying lipstick, take your index finger and pop it in your mouth, then pull it out. The excess lipstick will come off on your finger rather than your teeth. 

  • Lipstick can act as a blush. But never use blush as a lipstick. 

  • The older you are, the “creamier” your lips should look. If your lips are thinned out and wrinkled, avoid matte or a gloss and stick with a creamy lipstick. 

  • Not all lipstick shades look good on everyone. your skin color will determine what shades are right on you. You may like a lipstick on your friend, but it may not look good on you. Orange or brown shades, including corals, look good on few people. These shades tend to make teeth appear yellow. 

  • Camouflage yellowed teeth. To downplay a yellow cast to teeth, try lipsticks with a bluish undertone. Shades that work include plums, pinks, wines and violets, according to Lazarus, a NYC makeup artist, in the June, 2007, issue of O magazine. 

  • Heal — don’t throw out — a broken lipstick. If your lipstick breaks off, simply take off the broken portion with a tissue, then slowly wave a lit match under the broken piece of lipstick. When it’s melted a bit, put it back on the base, swivel it down and put it in the fridge —Uncoverd — for 30 minutes. 

  • Lipstick done? You might notice there’s still a bit of lipstick down in the tube. Scrape out the last bits with a cotton swap or orange stick and mix it with Vaseline or lip gloss in a lipstick palette. Use a lip brush to apply.

  • Herbal Care Tips for Dry Skin

    herbal tips for dry skin,how to get rid of dry skin,dry skin care tips,beauty tips for dry skin 
    Herbal Care Tips for Dry Skin
    Our Natural Skin is alive and thus like us it also breathes and creates out.So our skin get effected by weather and season a lot.And get dry and oily.Due to all these reason or many other reasons skin get effected  and get quickly effected by Winter season  and Summer Season.In winter we get out skin really dry which makes our skin Feels like dead.


    Beauty tips for dry Skin

    Here are some tips and herbal care tips for your skin.You will feel really alive While following these some simple skin care tips for dry skin and herbal care tips for dry skin.Always try to make your skin alive with natural products and natural skin care herbal ways Help you out really effectively.And herbal ways are harmless for your skin.


    SO to avoid dry skin in winter and in summer too try to drink plenty of water .Try to have fruits which have vitamin E because it help you to make your skin moisture.And Cleansing your skin well and get your skin wash with warm luke water these some easy herbal and home made tips for dry skin will help you to have healthy and normal skin.And you will easily get rid of dry skin.


    Bangles and Bracelets are ornaments worn at the slender hands by the ladies. Bangles are available in standard sizes like from 2.2 inches to 2.4 inches to 2.8 inches diameter. Bangles are measured in diameter. If you are not sure what is your bangle size you can measure the diameter of any of your correct fitting bangle and know your size.


    We offer various types of Bangles or Kada which are worn by brides and others who want to look grand during wedding. 

    Usually brides wear different types of glass and gold plated bangles. Bangles come as plain gold plated or they do come with stones attached. These stones are of various kinds like signity stones, diamond like diamonte which are also knowns as American diamonds. Ethnic or traditional bangle designs come with kundan stones also known as uncut diamonds along with colored ruby or emerald crystals.


    Indian kundan Bangles are intricately designed and high in demand among Americans in USA, Canada. Our customers are mostly from New York NY, NJ, California, Chicago love to buy our designer bangles and bracelets .

    black hairstyles fashion

     Fashion trends are greatly influenced from the film industry. Whether it is Hollywood or Bollywood all trends including apparel, hairstyles, and fashion accessories are taken from the movies and TV shows. Both men and women are attracted towards the fashion world celebrities and stars live in.

     Long hair with high volumes of curls  are in great fashion now and are worth a try this fall 2011 for people with natural curls.Layered cuts can be added to long hair styling to make it much more sexy and suitable to your face.Straightening long hair is also another option to be considered if you wanna look new this fall.

    Latest Kurta Pajama

    Latest Kurta PAJAMA
    Kurta Pyjama suit all occasions irrespective of the time and festive. From simple elegant Kurta Pyjamas to exquisite rich ones with heavy embroidery this collection will cater to all your needs. Meticulously patterned, our custom stitched kurta pyjama are much preferred by bride grooms who have vivacious plans for their marriage. Available both in simple cottons and splendid, royal raw silk, our Kurta Pyjamas are fancied by most of the Party goers.

    There are various types of Kurtha Pyjama which are made in different fabrics like Cotton Kurta PyjamaSilk Kurta Pyjama, Silk Brocade Kurta Pyjama, Embroidered Kurta Pyjama, Poly Silk Kurtha Pajama.
    Kurta Pyjama are sold online and you can shop kurta pyjama either as a Readymade Kurta Pyjamasor it can be Custom made Kurta Pyjamas to any size as specified.

    Kurta Pyjama are worn by men and young boys during various festive occassion like Eid, Ramzan, Diwali, Dussehra and Navratri. It is the traditional ethnic mens wear. Elegant Kurtas are worn during weddings. Wedding Kurta Pyjama are also made as Designer Kurta Pyjama Designer Kurta Pyjama.